Yttrium nitride YN is also known as YN pulverized. The Yttrium nutride powder YN is used for high-end electronics.
Purity: 99.9%
Particle Size: -100 Mesh
Yttrium Nitride YN Powder
Yttrium nitride
is the nitride of yttrium. Yttrium-nitride, a hard ceramic material with a similar structure to titanium nitride or zirconium trioxide.
Scandium, lanthanum, and ytrium have semiconductor characteristics. The lattice of Yn's nitrides is only 8% more complex than that of gallium-nitride. This allows YN to act as a buffer for GaN and substrate during GaN crystallization.
Thin films made of yttrium-nitride
They were obtained from silicon substrates using laser ablation of ytrium targets under a molecular-nitrogen environment. Auger electron, energy loss and X-ray photoeletron spectra determined the compositions and chemical state of these compounds. The reaction of yttrium to nitrogen occurs in this manner.
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Yttrium Nitride
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ttrium Nitride price
Ellipsometry reveals that the film appears metallic. The film's metallic appearance can be explained by a very small amount of pollution. Each oxygen atom introduces two extra electrons into the cell, creating a complex semiconductor-ion-metal system.
Performance of Yttrium Nitride YN YN Powder
Our yttrium oxide nitride powder (CAS 26764-13-0 is of high purity. It has an ultrafine particle size and a greater surface area.
Technical Data for Yttrium Nitride YN Pulp:
Part name
Powder of High Purity Yttrium Nickeltride
Particle Size
-100 Mesh
The Yttrium-nitride powder YN is used for high-end electronics.
coatings, etc.
It is simple.
Yttrium Nitride YN Powder
Three main factors that influence the atomic ratio (Y/N), in yttrium Nitride powder, are temperature, vacuum and nitriding times. This is the optimal nitriding temperature: 1 000°C, vacuum degree higher than 1x 10-3Pa. Time 40 minutes. The two-step process can produce yttrium powder in different sizes. It can also be used to meet customer's requirements. For the preparation of yttrium nutride powder, it is essential to use low oxygen content and high-purity metal ytrium as raw materials and high purity hydrogen or high purity nitrogen reactants.
Yttrium Nitride YN Powder
A promising semiconductor, Yttrium-nitride (YN), can be used for thermoelectric metal/semiconductor superlattice applications. This hard ceramic material is similar to titanium nitride or zirconium-nitride. The lattice of YN differs only by 8% from the GaN structure. This makes it possible for the YN buffer layer to be used between GaN and substrate during GaN crystallization. Additionally, ytrium's nitrides have semiconductor qualities.
Specifications of Yttrium Nitride YN Pulver:
Part name
Yttrium Nitride Powder
Black Powder
Ca (wt%)
Fe (wt%)
Si (wt%)
Ni (wt%)
Al (wt%)
Shipping and Packing of Yttrium Nitride YN Pulver:
Many types of packing are available depending on the amount of yttrium oxide YN powder.
Packaging:Yttrium-nitride powder
You can vacuum pack 1kg/bag, 25kg/barrel or according to your requirements.
Shipping of Yttrium-nitride powder:
Once payment has been received, items may be shipped by express, air or sea.
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Yttrium Nitride
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